‘An excellent reputation...’

Quantum Report Types

Full Report

Full reports will cover the following:

  • Review of documentary evidence.
  • Comprehensive, objective, clinical and functional assessment, and interview of the Claimant and significant others.
  • Assessment of findings will be documented comprehensively and in full with the required interpretation and analysis in relation to current functional levels, pre-existing condition, function and lifestyle.
  • Recommendations and costs will be comprehensive, thoroughly reasoned, and appropriately sourced.
  • Arguments will be appropriately referenced to clinical records, expert opinion and other evidence.
  • Costs will be clearly presented in tables produced by a spreadsheet, with a summary of costs appended.
  • Source documents and evidence will be provided.


Condensed Report

Where injuries and the resulting disabilities are less severe, and care and other therapy needs are low it may be deemed that the cost of preparing a full Care and Occupational Therapy report is not proportionate. In such circumstances our clinical business team will discuss with you, your bespoke reporting requirements relating to the specific heads of claim that you wish to be considered.

Desktop report

Where there is insufficient time or other reason preventing an assessment, our expert will be able to provide recommendations and costs based on a review of the documentary evidence.

Preliminary Needs report

This may be requested at the early stages in a claim before the clinical outcome or prognosis is known. It is likely to be required in higher value cases. It may be required to provide an initial understanding of the value of the case and/or be used to identify costs or confirm needs for an interim payment. The Claimant’s current needs will be identified and recommendations made.