Hear from Louise, who qualified as an occupational therapist in 2006 and specialises in adult...
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Dip Nursing, Non Medical Prescribing, MSc Tissue Viability & Skin Integrity, PGCE Teaching & Education
Tissue Viability, Hospital/Community, Pressure & Leg Ulcers, Complex Wound Care, Prescriber
I qualified as an adult registered nurse in January 2006 and have worked for the NHS in various capacities, across different Trusts since then. I have worked as a staff nurse through to senior ward manager in a variety of clinical areas, from emergency GP admissions, to care of the elderly, cognitively impaired patients and those with diabetes or complex co-morbidities. In 2011 I took on the role of tissue viability specialist nurse as this had always been an area of particular interest me.
I worked as the senior tissue viability specialist nurse and lead across different NHS Trusts covering acute general hospitals to community services, to my current role as nurse consultant at a large teaching hospital. Whilst under taking this specialism I have completed a MSc in tissue viability and skin integrity, gaining this in 2014 and completed a PGCE Level 4 for university teaching in 2016. This allowed me to spend 18 months full time teaching university undergraduate and post graduate degree students in nursing and related fields. Whilst I have returned to clinical practice I continue as a honorary lecturer at the university supporting across various student groups.
I currently work as a tissue viability nurse consultant at a large teaching hospital reviewing a variety of patients across inpatient wards, virtual wards, clinics and outpatients, and support into the community. I review and am responsible for all areas relating to pressure ulcer care, incidents and investigations, complex wounds such as surgical dehiscence, malignant wounds, leg ulcers and lymphoedema, chronic non-healing wounds and support across specialities such as plastics, orthopaedics, oncology, surgery and medical wards. I work clinically and support a small clinical team to manage all things considered Tissue Viability related across the Trust. I am involved in coroners cases, legal cases reviewing notes and preparing statements of fact or opinion, along with safeguarding reviews, whilst covering strategic working across the local Integrated Care System along with project works, consideration of new services and support of research projects.
I have undertaken medico-legal training on Condition and Prognosis and I am in a position to assist with casework of this nature. I accept instructions from both claimant and defendant solicitors and insurers. I have undergone formal training in the medico-legal process and am fully aware of my responsibilities under Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) pertaining to expert witnesses.