Hear from Louise, who qualified as an occupational therapist in 2006 and specialises in adult...
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BSc Midwifery
Experienced hospital midwife, antenatal, intrapartum, postnatal care. High risk birth.
I qualified as a midwife in 2010 from the University of Parma, Italy. Since February 2024, I have been working at The James Paget University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust as head of midwifery. Prior to this I worked at the Princess Alexandra Hospital as the maternity transformation programme manager, where I co-ordinated and supported the MDT team in reviewing, planning, and implementing complex clinical initiatives. I was interim head of midwifery and gynaecology and deputy director of midwifery at The Princess Alexandra Hospital in 2023. This role served as a bridge between transformation and operational senior leadership teams. I have a strong interest in patient safety and covered roles within governance teams, including deputising on regular basis for the Head of Maternity Governance and Assurance. I have continued to work clinically as a rotational midwife and labour ward co-ordinator and care pathway co-ordinator, which has further strengthened my clinical skills. I continue to work clinically on a regular basis as part of the core team and on an ad hoc basis when required. I am also part of the 24/7 clinical management team on call.
I am competent in perineal repair, intravenous (IV) cannulation, venepuncture, artificial rupture of membranes, vaginal examination, facilitate mechanical and pharmacological induction of the labour, CTG interpretation, application of fetal scalp electrodes, intrapartum care for both high and low women, care for women with complex medical co-morbidities, perioperative care, recovery of women post-surgery, wound assessment and care, care of critically ill women and following regional or general anaesthesia, scrubbing for elective and emergency operations, initial assessment of newborn, care of new born requiring non-routine observations, supporting mothers with feeding, maternal and neonatal resuscitation, emotional support and care of bereaved women and families, to mention a few. I have coordinated and been involved in multiple obstetric emergencies including cardiac arrest, ante-partum and post-partum massive obstetric haemorrhage, eclampsia and pre-eclampsia, shoulder dystocia, sepsis, neonatal resuscitation. I am NLS certified. I am a certified Safeguarding Children Supervisor, which enables me to work closely with the Trust-wide safeguarding team in providing specialist safeguarding support and guidance to staff caring for high risk complex safeguarding cases.
I worked full-time at NHS Resolution as National Clinical Negligence Scheme for Trusts (CNST) Maternity Incentive Scheme Clinical Lead and Early Notification Team Associate. As a member of the National Early Notification Team, I had the opportunity to undertake EN clinical reviews jointly with solicitors, expert clinical advisors and legal team members, which enhanced my knowledge of breach of duty, causation, and legal liability. I am a certified RCP Mortality Reviewer (adult) and served in this role at the Trust level. I was a MBRRACE-UK Officer for the Confidential Enquiry into Maternal Deaths for UK and Ireland, which continue to strengthen my investigating skills at a national level whilst contributing in sharing the learning nationally.
I accept instructions from both claimant and defendant solicitors and insurers. I have undergone formal training in the medico-legal process and am fully aware of my responsibilities under Civil Procedure Rules pertaining to expert witnesses.